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Firwood Elementary School

Children Thrive Here

Title 1

Firwood Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy 2022-2023

Vision Statement

Every student can grow to their maximum social, emotional, and academic potential.

Mission Statement


Our mission is to educate the whole child in a nurturing learning community. A community committed to fostering literate, responsible citizens capable of learning and applying academic and social skills successfully.

  1. The Firwood Compact is a formal agreement identifying the strategies and activities where parents, teachers, and students can work as a team toward our ultimate goal - a successful, well-rounded education for all students.
  2. Title One Program: Firwood Elementary is a Title 1 school, which means it receives federal funding to ensure that all children meet the challenging state and academic standards. Additional interventions for our students in literacy and math are provided through this additional funding. If you would like to receive additional information about available interventions, please contact Susan Tong or Matt Newell.

Family Involvement

  1. Volunteer Opportunities: Our volunteer coordinator and our office staff can assist you with questions about volunteering at our school. An annual application and background check are required each year. If you have any questions about the application process or volunteering opportunities, please contact the school office.
  2. Parent Information: At Firwood, parent communication, and information will be shared in a variety of ways, including a weekly update from the principal, monthly newsletters, classroom newsletters, a parent information area in our office entryway, Parent Square messaging, phone calls, conferences, and multi-disciplinary team meetings. Parent information can be found on Facebook, Twitter, email, and hard copies sent home with students.
  3. Multilingual Communication: At Firwood we make every effort to provide all communication in the languages of our students, such as English, Spanish, and Russian. We do have bilingual staff available for support and they can be reached by calling the front office. Please ask for Jenny Basil or Silvia Antoni.
  4. Parent Input: Parents at Firwood elementary are invited to give input through participation in Site Council, during conferences, and on surveys given online or at events. The feedback/information provided is used to complete the annual academic improvement plan and to improve subsequent programs and events.
  5. Literacy Support: During conferences, our Title 1 reading specialist will be available to share literacy information and suggest ways parents can be involved with literacy at home. Firwood parents and children are encouraged to attend district and school literacy-sponsored events held during the year. 
  6. Family Support: Our district McKinney Vento liaisons, Andrea Miller and Alyssa Sedgwick are housed at Sandy High School. They keep us apprised of the needs of struggling families and students in addition to providing resources, such as housing, nutrition, and school supplies. Please call the Sandy High School office phone number to reach Andrea or Alyssa. 
  7. Technology Support: Our school web page provides contact information for staff, school/event calendars, and other school information/resources for parents. Information is updated frequently and provides information into the daily operations of Firwood. Handouts, flyers, announcements, and celebrations of learning are all posted on the website. Parents can also find information on the Firwood Facebook page. Firwood also utilizes School Messenger for mass emails, phone calls, and texts. 
  8. Information to help parents support literacy can be found on the district’s website under the “Family Resources” tab. The Firwood website has links to grade-appropriate websites under the “Student” tab. 
  9. Parents can also access their children’s grades online. In order to facilitate consistent communication about academic growth and progress, the district has opened ParentVue for elementary school families. ParentVue is an internet portal providing access to students’ attendance records, announcements, grades, assignments, and electronic report cards. 

Events and Activities

  1. Annual Events and Programs: Meet the Teacher social and Open House are scheduled at the beginning of the year. Other activities include Jog-a-Thon, field trips, Battle of the Books, the science fair, music concert, field day, book fair, and the Mustang program. These are just a few of the events/activities parents may choose to attend or support as a volunteer. The district also sponsors literacy programs such as “Little Steps,” which is held throughout the school year, and Kindy Kick-off in the Spring.  

School Improvement Plan (SIP):

School/Student/Parent Compact: